FlashFocus Projector

The FlashFocus projector is built into the scanback. The scanback can be used as a DiRECT camera system or with a view camera. 4 rastered luminous dots are projected onto the original by the camera lens. With the luminous dots you can:

⇨ set the sharpness

⇨ define the scan area

⇨ position and align the original

FlashFocus is particularly useful if you are working with a view camera with Rencay Scanback. The Rencay DiRECT camera system makes setting even easier with the help of Perfect Focus.

Watch the FlashFocus video


Rencay true perception GmbH
Schloßberg 2
D-93155 Hemau

phone: +49 (0) 9491 95595 60
email: info@rencay.com 

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